Travelling Book

My inspiration from sending books out into the world has come from the movie 'Pay It Forward'. If you haven't seen the movie, do yourself a favour and hire it from your local movie shop - it is incredible and it makes you think about what you are doing in the world. You may also shed a tear.
If a teacher can ask children to make a postive difference to the world around them, then why can't I make a difference?

I have a love of reading. So now I am going to PAY IT FORWARD by sharing the joy of reading with as many people as I can. Sending complete strangers a book is my way of doing something for others.

All I will ask is if you end up with one of these travelling books -

please PAY IT FORWARD by passing on the book as soon as you have read it. Or if you don't opt to read it, please find someone who you think will or better still leave it in a public place and let fate go to work.

The impact I am hoping for is ..... Not only does someone receive a book to enjoy that hasn't cost them a cent but it also extends the life of the books by getting them off shelves and into people hands and it might even reduce landfill.

My aim is to have at least 365 books sent out into the world by the 15th of October 2012. One for each day of the year. However I live in hope of being able to double that number.

If you are prepared to assist me by taking a book and PAYING IT FORWARD as a random act of kindness to anyone, then please drop me an email. Email address is on the home page.

The first book being sent out into the world is .....


This was a very easy read but I was unable to put it down. I had tears from laughter and from sorrow.

It is written by the mother of a boy (Dale) who has autism. The book is based around how a Golden Retriever puppy called Henry takes Dale out of his world of silence.

If you have received this travelling book please share your opinions on the book with us before you pass it onto someone else.

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