I originally started this blog to record my goal of giving 365 books to complete strangers within 365 days as a random act of kindness.  At the start I felt that this would be a big project to get going and to complete in the time frame I gave myself.  I am please to say that I have achieved it

The idea of giving away books came as an idea after a couple of incidents over a week.    I am a teacher and I had a child approach me to show me a new book she was given for her birthday.   She was ten and this was the first book she had ever owned which came as a shock to me.   After this incident I asked my class how many of them had their own books or book case at home.    I was surprised by the lack of books that were available in my students homes.  
A visit to my local Op Shop during the week made me realise that I could buy a shopping bag of children's books for $1.      I grabbed a few bags of books and took them back to give to students in my class who were thrilled.      I also watched the movie "Paying It Forward" again over the weekend.    

When I put all of this together I came up with the idea of doing something for others.  I am pleased to report that I sent out 398 books in 177 days.  I am also please to report that ninety percent of these books were children's books.   I just hope that right now somewhere in Australia there is a child reading one of the books I sent travelling and will pass that book onto some-one else when they have finished reading it. 

If you are reading this because you have a travelling book please pay it forward and pass it onto someone else when you have finished enjoying it.   THANK YOU.

Please feel free to still leave any comment here on the blog as I will continue to check in often.  

I am now doing other things to make a small difference in the world and you can read about this at my other blog called Jacana

Thank you for stopping by.

Travelling Book

On this blog is  I send a book out as a "travelling book".  Please see the tab "travelling books" that explains the reason behind this process.
Inside the book is attached a form to put your name and place where you live as a method of tracking where the book has been (such as Fred from Sydney). There is also the link to this blog printed inside the book.
If you end up with one of these travelling books you can leave a comment only if you want to.  Then we can follow where the book has been in Australia or perhaps even the world.   If you would prefer not to leave a comment, but want to tell me something about the book then please see the email address below.  You can remain anonymous.

Please try to forward the book onto someone else (at no cost)  as soon as possible so that the joy of reading is shared with as many people as possible.

Want to be considered for a travelling book- there is no guarantee you will be selected but you can advise me of your request via email at respond011@hotmail.com

Have you received a travelling book ?
How did you come to have it?
How many people have had it before you?
Will you pass it onto someone else?

Let us follow your book on the catch & release page by adding a comment you will be anonymous - no names or details are needed